Ticks, a small spider-like arachnid, are parasites that secure themselves on a host animal (Human, pet, or wildlife) by biting, and burying their heads deeply under the skin. Tick bites alone pose no tangible threat to the host animal - it is the possible contraction of Lyme disease that makes tick awareness so important.
"Thirty years ago, Dr. Gene Giggleman was a veterinarian who thought chiropractors were quacks. Since then, he says he's straightened out thousands of dogs and cats, not to mention the occasional snake, hamster, gerbil and guinea pig."
"A large breed dog that was often stumbling and falling was diagnosed with the neurological disease known as "Wobblers." After his first chiropractic treatment, both his balance and walking improved. Three months later, he was running for the first time since his owner adopted him."
"Anyone who has ever owned and loved a pet understands the distress that is felt when that animal is in pain. Many pet owners will go to great lengths and explore all options to have that animal feeling better again."
Equine Chiropractic: General Principles and Clinical Applications by Kevin K. Haussler, DVM, DC, PhD